Wisconsin Hometown Stories: Stevens Point
$ 16.95
Wisconsin Hometown Stories: Stevens Point tells the story of a city shaped by
its distinctive geography and natural resources. Starting with the Menominee
people who made their home in the unique “Tension Zone” between the southern
prairies and northern forests, the history of Stevens Point is filled with stories
of burgeoning industries, innovation and cultural preservation.
Explore the transformation of Stevens Point from the lumber industry that
flourished along the Wisconsin River to the bustling brewing company that
brought national attention to the city. Today, Stevens Point continues to be
shaped by its roots in commerce and investments in higher-education,
agriculture and conservancy.
DVD Bonus: Watch a special Wisconsin Biographies animated story of Carrie
Frost, a woman who defied stereotypes to become the founder of a thriving
fly-fishing business that created opportunities for other women.
Learn more about Wisconsin’s history at WisconsinHometownStories.org